“民以食为天”,没有哪个国家的民众可以不食而生。但由于各个国家的历史沿革、风俗习惯的不同,饭局也从而被演绎得五花八门、绚丽多彩。 俄罗斯饭局: 酒的代名词 伏特加是俄罗斯的名酒,俄罗斯人干脆把伏特加当成了饭局的代名词,因为无论谁设的饭局,席上都少不了伏特加酒。 在饭局上,俄罗斯人首先要在每人的酒杯里倒上伏特加。第一杯通常是一齐干下,以后各人按自己的酒量随意酌饮。不过,俄罗斯人在饭局上一般不劝酒,有多少量喝多少。在俄罗斯人看来,不喝酒的男人就不是真正的男子汉。
“People live on their own’s food,” and no country can live without food. However, due to the historical evolution of various countries, different customs, the dinner has thus been interpreted in a wide variety, colorful. Russian dinner: wine synonymous with vodka is a famous Russian wine, Russians simply vodka as synonymous with the dinner, because no matter who set up the dinner, the seats are ultimately vodka. At the dinner, Russians must first pour vodka in each of their glasses. The first cup is usually done together, after each drink according to their discretionary drink. However, Russians generally do not advise on the dinner, how much drink how much. For Russians, men who do not drink alcohol are not real men.