1 材料与方法1.1 试验材料试验油茶林龄 2 0年 ,造林密度 2× 3m,面积为 6 .4亩。取材国家计委、中科院万春候研究员等专家研究试验成功的成果 ,由宜春地区植物促长素厂制造的植物促长素“891”进行叶面喷施。1.2 试验方法(1)设标准株 12 0株 ,单行小区 (每行 10株 ) ,重复
1 Materials and methods 1.1 Test Materials Test Camellia age 20 years, afforestation density 2 × 3m, an area of 6.4 acres. Drawn by the State Planning Commission, Chinese Academy of Sciences Wan Chun-wah researcher and other experts to study the successful outcome of the experiment, plant growth in Yichun plant auxin plant auxin “891” for foliar spray. 1.2 Test Methods (1) Set of standard strains 120 strains, single-line district (10 per line), repeated