1080-1983年间在23个县、市,近千亩稻田的调查研究结果表明:以Hirschmanniclla oryzae Luc and Goodey,1963。为优势种的水稻潜根线虫,在上述县、市分布很广,受害株在大田没有明显症状,人工接种的秧苗显著矮小,叶色较淡,分蘖数减少,产量降低。该线虫分别在早、晚稻分蘖盛期过后发生一次高峰。各种虫态均可越冬。越冬场所主要是稻桩的根部,其次为某些冬季作物和宿根性杂草。越冬虫态以雌虫和四龄幼虫比例最大。该线虫还可寄生在9科19种植物上,其中以禾本科的千盒子(Leptochloa chinensis),马唐(Digtaria sanguinalis),稗草(Echinochioa crusgalli);莎草科的牛毛毡(Eleocharis acicularis),及堇莱科的紫花地丁(Viola philippca)等虫口基数最大。水稻在秧苗期开始受侵染。受侵染部位通常在离根尖2-3厘米处。人工接种要在有泥土栽种水稻的条件下才能成功。不同品种抗性不同,但未发现有免疫的品种,此外,不同耕作制度及不同海拔的情况下,虫口密度也有较大差异。大田防治采用3%呋喃丹颗粒剂,每亩4斤,于插秧前表施和分蘖期深施,防效可达79.7-87.8%。
The results of a survey conducted in 1080 counties and counties in 23 counties and cities in 1983 and 1983 showed that Hirschmannicella oryzae Luc and Goodey, 1963. The dominant species of rice rootstock nematodes are widely distributed in these counties and cities. The affected plants have no obvious symptoms in the field. The inoculated seedlings are significantly shorter, leaf color is lighter, the number of tillers is reduced, and the yield is reduced. The nematodes in early and late rice tillering peak period after the occurrence of a peak. All kinds of insect state can wintering. The wintering places are mainly the roots of rice piles, followed by some winter crops and perennial weeds. Overwintering insect state to the largest proportion of female and fourth instar larvae. The nematode can also be parasitic on 9 families and 19 species of plants, including Leptochloa chinensis, Digitaria sanguinalis, Echinochioa crusgalli, Eleocharis acicularis, And Viola philippca of Violesclac are most abundant. Rice is infested at the seedling stage. The affected area is usually 2-3 cm from the root tip. Artificial inoculation in the soil planted rice conditions to be successful. Different varieties of different resistance, but no immune species found, in addition, different tillage systems and different altitudes, the population density are also quite different. Field control using 3% carbofuran granules, 4 pounds per mu, before planting in the tops and tillering stage, anti-effect up to 79.7-87.8%.