免疫研究所始建于1979年,建所的目的是为了加强和发展过敏学和免疫学理论及临床方面的研究。1994年6月该所成为俄国家科学中心,其主要学科方向: ——免疫学的分子遗传和细胞理论; ——过敏症的分子和细胞机理,过敏症研究和临床治疗; ——免疫生物学及新型疫苗;
The Institute for Immunology was established in 1979. The purpose of the Institute is to strengthen and develop the theoretical and clinical aspects of allergy and immunology. In June 1994, the Institute became the National Science Center of Russia. Its main subjects were: Molecular genetics and cell theory of immunology; Molecular and cellular mechanisms of allergies; Allergy research and clinical treatment; Immunobiology And new vaccines;