弥漫性脑损伤大鼠脑组织中Bax、Bcl-2 mRNA的表达及意义

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SD雄性大鼠35只,随机分为两组:对照组(5例)和弥漫性脑损伤组(30例),损伤组大鼠损伤后自由进食饮水,按1、24、48、72h及1、2周等时间段处死大鼠(每次处死5只),提取大鼠皮层脑组织,一部分应用RT-PCR法检测对照组与不同时间段外伤组Bax mRNA和Bcl-2 mRNA表达,另外取一部分皮层脑组织利用流式细胞仪进行脑细胞凋亡测定。结果对照组及外伤组各时间点Bcl-2mRNA(Ct值)分别为:40.629±0.483,40.075±0.763,35.881±0.699,33.269±0.082,32.062±0.581,34.848±0.417,38.892±0.308,对照组与外伤组不同时间点之间比较,p均<0.05;损伤组不同时间点间比较,p均<0.05;对照组及损伤组各时间点Bax mRNA(Ct值)分别为:27.787±0.523,30.669±0.367,32.313±0.391,33.59±0.325,34.271±0.366,31.191±0.342,30.475±0.659,对照组与损伤组不同时间点之间比较,p均<0.01;外伤组不同时间点之间比较,p均<0.05;对照组及损伤组各时间点细胞凋亡率分别为:4.08±0.32,4.25±0.35,6.77±0.33,8.66±0.41,10.77±0.58,7.32±0.23,5.03±0.41,对照组与损伤组不同时间点之间比较,p均<0.05;外伤组不同时间点之间比较,p均<0.05。认为外伤后脑组织中Bcl-2 mRNA表达有降低的趋势,Bax mRNA表达有增高趋势,脑组织细胞凋亡有增高趋势。脑细胞凋亡的增加可能是外伤后脑神经功能减退或丧失的一个原因。 Thirty-five male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups: control group (n = 5) and diffuse brain injury group (n = 30). Rats in the injury group were given free access to drinking water after 1,24,48,72h and 1 , And rats were sacrificed at the same time for 2 weeks. Five rats were sacrificed at the same time. The cerebral cortex tissues of rats were extracted. The expression of Bax mRNA and Bcl-2 mRNA in control group and trauma group at different time were detected by RT-PCR. A portion of cortical brain tissue was assayed for apoptosis using flow cytometry. Results The Bcl-2mRNA (Ct value) of control group and trauma group were 40.629 ± 0.483,40.075 ± 0.763,35.881 ± 0.699,33.269 ± 0.082,32.062 ± 0.581,34.848 ± 0.417,38.892 ± 0.308, P <0.05 in all time points of trauma group; p <0.05 in injury group at different time points; Bax mRNA in control group and injury group at each time point were 27.787 ± 0.523 and 30.669 ± 0.367,32.313 ± 0.391,33.59 ± 0.325,34.271 ± 0.366,31.191 ± 0.342,30.475 ± 0.659, the control group and the injury group at different time points, p <0.01; the trauma group at different time points, p <0.05; The apoptosis rates of control group and injury group at each time point were 4.08 ± 0.32,4.25 ± 0.35,6.77 ± 0.33,8.66 ± 0.41,10.77 ± 0.58,7.32 ± 0.23,5.03 ± 0.41, P <0.05 in different time points; p <0.05 in trauma group at different time points. It is considered that the expression of Bcl-2 mRNA in brain tissue of traumatic brain tissue tends to decrease, the expression of Bax mRNA increases and the apoptosis of brain tissue increases. Increased brain cell apoptosis may be one of the causes of brain dysfunction or loss of traumatic brain injury.
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