
来源 :经济法论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leisiyue520zh
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目次一、新经济的新特点二、新经济的冲击与反垄断法存在价值的论争三、新经济时代反垄断法的发展一、新经济的新特点20世纪末,美国等发达国家依靠其以信息技术为代表的高科技的发展,进入了新经济时代,这个时代的特点和影响就如格林斯潘1 999年所说:“我们称之为信息技术的新技术革命,已经开始改 First, the new characteristics of the new economy Second, the impact of the new economy and the antitrust law exists the value of the debate Third, the new economic era of the development of antitrust law A new feature of the new economy At the end of the 20th century, the United States and other developed countries rely on their information Technology as the representative of the high-tech development, entered a new economic era, the characteristics and impact of this era as Greenspan said in 1999: ”We call it a new technological revolution in information technology, has begun to change