低密度三聚磷酸钠的生产工艺分为两步法和附聚法。如果能在一个装置中 ,以不同的工艺条件生产不同密度的产品 ,显然是最经济 ,最有效的方法。笔者经过摸索 ,结合转炉一步法生产三聚磷酸钠的实际状况 ,解决了低密度产品的生产工艺。1 生产低密度三聚磷酸钠的工艺条件1.1 合理
Low-density sodium tripolyphosphate production process is divided into two-step method and agglomeration method. It is obviously the most economical and effective way to produce different density products under different process conditions in one device. The author through exploration, combined with the converter one-step production of sodium tripolyphosphate the actual situation, to solve the production process of low-density products. A production of low-density sodium tripolyphosphate process conditions 1.1 reasonable