Chorio-hemangioma [also known as villus hemangioma] is a benign tumor of the placenta. Clinically rare. Only 4 cases were reported in China. Our hospital from 1953 to 1990 in 15,275 births were found in 3 cases, are as follows. Case data, a, Dong ×, 31 years old, menopause 37 weeks, 4 hours of paroxysmal abdominal pain, fetal movement disappeared 3 hours admitted. Admission examination: body temperature 37 ℃, blood pressure 144 / 94mmHg, cardiopulmonary (-), abdominal circumference 93 cm, buttocks exposed, no fetal heart, fetal membranes broken, contractions disappear, hips pulling dead baby girl. Past menstrual rules. 5 months of pregnancy have fetal movement, pregnancy without dizziness and