
来源 :China Standardization | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Jul-83
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Standardization does not only provide guarantee for the quality safety of traditional Chinese medicine but also indicate the only route for its globalization mission.Recently,witnessing the fast development of Chinese medicine industry and its increasing volume and market,a number of national major researches and develop- Standardization does not only provide guarantee for the quality safety of traditional Chinese medicine but also indicates the only route for its globalization mission.Recently,witnessing the fast development of Chinese medicine industry and its increasing volume and market,a number of national major researches and develop -
卡尔是一个厉害又低调的魔法师,他和一只名叫“雪丽”的猫咪生活在一起。  雪丽是一只漂亮的白猫,身上一根杂毛也没有,远远看上去,就像一个雪球。  可是,这样高贵的雪丽却在傍晚带了一只邋里邋遢,皮毛都看不清是什么颜色的老狗回家,还告诉卡尔,这是自己的好朋友。  “卡尔大人,他叫蚯蚓。很奇怪的名字,对吧?”雪丽说,“他听说您是厉害的魔法师,求我一定带他回来。”  卡尔看了看脏兮兮的老狗,实在喜欢不起来。