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王建莉著《〈尔雅〉同义词考论》于2012年7月由中华书局出版。该书运用“一义相同”的同义词观,从同义词角度对《尔雅》进行全面研究。对《尔雅》全部训列做了同义词的释读,并考释疑难训列159条。在此基础上,该书还探究了《尔雅》的求同、辨释、语义系统等一系列理论问题,证明《尔雅》是中国古 Wang Jianli “ Synopsis research” in July 2012 by Zhonghua Book Company. The book uses the synonymy concept of “same meaning ”, from the perspective of the synonym of “elegance” to conduct a comprehensive study. Interpretation of all the trains of “Erya” was made synonymous with interpretation of difficult trains 159. On this basis, the book also explores a series of theoretical issues such as seeking truth, discrimination and semantic system of “Erya” and proves that “Erya” is an ancient Chinese
学英语的人有时候会注意到英式英语与美式英语的差异。其实世界上有很多种类的英语,不只英式和美式两种而已。 English learners sometimes notice differences between Bri
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The fabrication and performance of 160-nm gate-length metamorphic AlInAs/GaInAs high electron mobility tran-sistors (mHEMTs) grown on GaAs substrate by metal or
目的:了解血吸虫疫区常见消化系恶性肿瘤的发病情况,包括发病率、死亡率、生存率。方法:采用实地回顾性抽样调查的方法对鄱阳湖血吸虫疫区65 680人进行调查统计,分析1988~1996年间
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THE stable carbon isotopic composition of soil organic carbon is a powerful tool for discussing the source ofsoil CO_2 and the relationship of CO_2 source and