我校现有专任教师101人,其中青年教师49人,占教师总数的48.5%。这些教师,虽然学历合格,但大部分缺乏教学实践经验。因此,我们把抓教学质量的突破口选在提高教师素质上,在加强教学常规管理的同时,通过多种途径,采取有效措施,狠抓教师队伍业务素质的提高,经过几年努力,教师队伍的业务水平有了很大提高,教学质量也稳定上升。去年,我校被省教委授予“普教系统教学工作先进学校”称号。 在提高教师素质方面,我们的做法是: 一、跟踪听课,督导提高 跟踪听课,是我们抓教学促提高的一种有效方法,主要是跟踪教学先进和落后两类教师。对前者来
There are 101 full-time teachers in our school, including 49 young teachers, accounting for 48.5% of the total number of teachers. Although these qualifications, most of these teachers lack practical teaching experience. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of teachers, we should take effective measures to improve the quality of teachers' teaching. We should pay close attention to the improvement of the professional quality of teaching staff through various channels. After several years of hard work, the team of teachers The level of business has been greatly improved, teaching quality has also risen steadily. Last year, our school was awarded the title of “advanced education system of general education system” by Provincial Education Commission. In improving the quality of teachers, our approach is: First, follow the lectures, supervision to improve follow-up lectures, we focus on teaching and promoting an effective way to increase, mainly to track the teaching of advanced and backward two types of teachers. Come to the former