著名导演吴天明新作《老井》,在东京国际电影节上囊括三项奖。这标志着我国电影打进国际市场。贵大中文系和影协组织观摩了《老井》并开了座谈会。主要观点如下。 大部分人认为,《老井》展现了当前我国探索电影的发展方向。即把前一段时间的强调画面造型而淡化表演的单向性,与注重表演这一影视叙事手段很好地结合在一起,使观众从以前探索片的“迷幻”和“猜测”之中走出来,既能体味到深层的哲理意蕴,又欣赏了清新引人的故事情节,从而取得了“雅俗共赏”的效果。可以说,《老井》是再现与表现,写实与写意的结合,作“国际性语言”表现了我们真
Well-known director Wu Tianming’s new work, “Old Well”, won three prizes at the Tokyo International Film Festival. This marks the movie into our international market. Gui Da Department of Chinese and Film Association watched the “old well” and opened a forum. The main points are as follows. Most people think that “Old Well” shows the current development direction of China’s exploration of films. That is, emphasizing the styling of the previous period and diluting the one-way performance of the performance is well integrated with the film-narrative approach of focusing on performances so that the audience can walk from the “psychedelic” and “speculative” exploration films Out, not only appreciate the deep philosophical connotation, but also enjoy the fresh introduction of the story, which has achieved “the taste of elegance and popular” effect. It can be said that the “old well” is a combination of reproduction and performance, realism and freehand writing. Being an “international language” shows us