小時候,聽過很多關於葫蘆的傳說,說它可以避水,可以「造人」,可以降伏妖怪……。當然,它最鮮明的形象還是當作英雄俠客的酒壺,吊在紅纓槍上。長大以後,我才知道葫蘆是一種一年生的攀援草本植物,每年夏天開白花,到了秋天成形。葫蘆品種很多,有一種叫瓢葫蘆的,果實呈圓形,對半剖開後,可以當作水瓢或盛器之用,俗話說的「依葫蘆畫瓢」,就是從這裏得來的。 葫蘆改變形象令人驚奇 但是,我從未想到葫蘆還可以模具使它改變形象,成為工藝品。這回在山東見到
As a child, I heard a lot about the gourd legend, saying it can avoid water, you can “make people”, you can drop the monster ... .... Of course, its most distinctive image is still regarded as a heroic knight’s jug, hanging on the red tassel gun. When I grew up, I realized that the gourd was an annual climbing herb, with white flowers blooming every summer and forming in the fall. There are many varieties of gourd, there is a called Calabash, the fruit is round, half cut open, you can use as a water scoop or container, as the saying goes, “according to gourd painting scoop” is derived from here. However, I never thought of the gourd can mold it to change the image, a handicrafts. This time I saw in Shandong