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今年6月24日至25日,我在北京炎黄艺术馆举办个人绘画作品展。展出近十年来的80幅油画和速写等,得到了许多朋友的鼓励和肯定,并得到炎黄艺术馆馆长、著名画家黄胄先生的赞许,特地为展览延展一周。 我出生在缅甸的风景胜地眉妙。父亲经营着一座花园、一片果园和一个很大的莱亨鸡场,并开始筹建一家旅游饭店。第二次世界大战的战火将这一切夷为了一片废墟。1950年新中国刚刚成立,我们全家便由香港回到祖国定居。在祖国的培养下,我念完了中学和大学,开始从事我从小就热爱的绘画艺术。几十年过去了,无 From June 24 to 25 this year, I held a solo exhibition of paintings at the Yanhuang Art Museum in Beijing. Exhibited 80 pieces of oil paintings and sketches in the past ten years, won the encouragement and affirmation of many friends, and received the approval of the director of the Yanhuang Art Museum and the famous painter Mr. Huang Kuang. It extended the exhibition for one week. My birthplace is a scenic spot in Myanmar. Father runs a garden, an orchard and a large Lech chicken farm, and began to build a tourist hotel. The war in World War II razed everything to ruins. When the new China was first established in 1950, our entire family returned to the motherland from Hong Kong to settle. Under the cultivation of my motherland, I finished secondary school and university and began to engage in the art of drawing which I had loved since I was a child. Decades have passed, no
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