突出抓好六个方面工作 全力提升公证公信力

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一、高度重视,认真安排部署接到中公通[2014]23号通知后,省公证协会及时向厅党委作了汇报,厅党委对开展活动的重要意义和具体措施进行了认真研究,明确要求全省公证行业要把开展“让人民群众能感知的公信力”实践活动,作为2014年公证工作的硬任务和主线来抓,确保不走过场,达到预期目的。省协会研究采取五项措施并迅速作出布置:一是继续开展争创“零错证、零投诉、零上访”公证员活动,在打牢公信力基础上下功夫。二是布置开展“梦想从这里起飞——争 I. Attaching great importance to and earnestly arranging the deployment After receiving the notice of Zhonggong Tong [2014] No. 23, the provincial notary association timely reported to the party committee and the party committee of the hall conducted a careful study on the significance and specific measures for carrying out the activities, and clearly demanded that all Provincial notarization industry should carry out ”Let the masses of people be able to perceive the credibility of“ practice, as the notarized work in 2014 the hard task and the main line to grasp, to ensure that do not go through the field to achieve the desired purpose. The provincial association studied and adopted five measures and quickly made arrangements: First, it continued to work on creating ”not-fault cards, zero complaints and zero petitions“ notary activities based on a firm foundation for public trust. Second, the deployment of ”dreams take off from here - contention
七岁那年,我离开改嫁的母亲,投奔了外地的姨妈。十几年的时间,让我和母亲之间变得很生疏。尽管工作后,我经常会回家看望母亲,放假时也会回家小住,可还是难以化解我们之间的客套。  情况从我结婚生子以后,有了很大的轉变。得知我生了一个男孩,老封建的母亲很高兴,放下电话就赶了过来。一进门就直奔我的床头,满面春风地夸奖孩子,进而开始称赞婆婆有福气。随后,她就打开了扛来的大包袱,大大小小的褥子、十几个尿垫儿、两
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2007年2月27日,两名普通工人和一位农民获得了2006年度国家科学技术进步奖二等奖。“从鸡蛋中分出公母”韩明明,上海宝钢炼铁厂工人,56岁,初中毕业,电工出身。 On February
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