我科从 1996年至今共收治 204例老年脑卒中病人,我们对这些病人进行了不同程度的康复治疗,收到了较好的疗效。 1 资料与方法 观察组 204例病人中,男性 200例,女性 4例;其中脑梗死 138例,脑出血 66例,年龄 60~ 94岁,平均 77岁。随机抽取我科 1996年以前住院病人 200例
Our department has treated 204 elderly stroke patients since 1996, and we conducted various degrees of rehabilitation for these patients and received good results. 1 Materials and Methods Observation group of 204 patients, 200 males and 4 females; of which 138 cases of cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage 66 cases, aged 60 to 94 years, mean 77 years. We randomly selected 200 cases of inpatients from our department before 1996