Effects of Kuroshio intrusion optimization on the simulation of mesoscale eddies in the northern Sou

来源 :海洋学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chnlaozhang
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The impacts of Kuroshio intrusion (KI) optimization on the simulation of meso-scale eddies (MEs) in the northSouth China Sea (SCS) were investigated based on an eddy-resolving ocean general circulation model by comparing two numerical experiments with differences in their form and intensity of KI due to the optimizing topography at Luzon Strait (LS). We found that a reduced KI reduces ME activities in the north SCS, which is similar to the observations. In this case, the biases of the model related to simulating the eddy kinetic energy (EKE) west of the LS and along the north slope are remarkably attenuated. The reduced EKE modeling bias is associated with both the reduced number of anti-cyclonic eddies (AEs) and the reduced amplitude of cyclonic eddies (CEs). The EKE budget analysis further suggests that the optimization of the KI will change the EKE by changing the horizontal velocity shear and the slope of the thermocline, which are related to barotropic and baroclinic instabilities, respectively. The former plays the key role in regulating the EKE in the north SCS due to the changing of the KI. The EKE advection caused by the KI is also important for the EKE budget to the west of theLS.
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灵动的线条,有机的符号,让我们画一画,贴一贴,演奏属于每个孩子独特的符号线条犴想曲。一起来体验吧。  相约艺术家:瓦西里。康定斯基  俄罗斯画家和美术理论家,抽象艺术先驱,也是现代艺术的伟大人物之一。他试图把抒情和几何抽象有机地结合起来,在几何结构与造型中配上明亮的光与柔和的色彩,使抽象绘画富于激情和想象,尽情表达艺术的纯粹与美丽。  所需材料  20cm×60cm的白纸、水彩笔、水粉(红黄蓝三种
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