为评价实现无脊髓灰质炎 (脊灰 )目标的卫生经济学效益 ,对山东省 195 6~ 2 0 0 0年的资料进行分析。结果显示 ,如不考虑无形效益和因口服脊灰疫苗 (OPV)免疫造成的疫苗相关麻痹型脊灰 (VAPP)的影响 ,按脊灰发病和控制的不同时期进行分析 ,推广使用疫苗时期 ( 196 5~ 1978年 )和无特异免疫预防时期 ( 195 6~ 196 4年 )相比 ,计划免疫时期 ( 1979~ 1990年 )和推广使用疫苗时期相比 ,消灭脊灰活动时期 ( 1991~ 2 0 0 0年 )和计划免疫时期相比 ,净效益 (以人民币元计算 ,下同 )分别为 3 6 4亿元、33 6 2亿元、80 83亿元 ,其成本 效益比分别为 1∶7 74、1∶47 6 9、1∶2 5 5 7。在 36年 ( 196 5~ 2 0 0 0年 )消灭脊灰进程中 ,共获得净效益 118 0 9亿元 ,其成本 效益比为 1∶2 6 90。消灭脊灰活动的效益是长久的 ,在全球消灭脊灰之后 ,随着成本投入的停止 ,其效益仍将持续增长。
To assess the health economics benefits of achieving poliomyelitis-free (polio) targets, data from 1961 to 2000 in Shandong Province were analyzed. The results showed that regardless of the intangible benefit and the impact of vaccine-associated paralytic poliovirus (VAPP) due to oral poliovirus (OPV) immunization, the timing of the vaccine (196 5 ~ 1978) Compared with the non-specific immunoprophylaxis period (195 6 ~ 196 4 years), the duration of polio immunization (1979 ~ 1990) and polio era 0 years) Compared with the planned immunization period, the net benefits (in RMB terms, the same below) were 36.4 billion yuan, 3.26 billion yuan and 8.083 billion yuan, respectively. The cost-effectiveness ratios were 1: 7 74 , 1:47 6 9, 1: 2 5 5 7. In 36 years (196 5 ~ 2000) polio eradication process, a total net benefit of 118.09 billion yuan, the cost-benefit ratio of 1:2690. The benefits of polio eradication activities are long-lasting, and their effectiveness will continue to grow as the global cost of polio eradication stops.