目的摸清广东省宝石加工工作场所粉尘危害和宝石加工工人矽肺(GW S)的发病特征。方法对152家宝石加工厂和4 591名宝石加工工人进行矽肺横断面流行病学调查。结果152家宝石加工厂工作场所粉尘短时间接触容许浓度平均1.9 mg/m3(超标率55.58%),游离S iO2含量平均(70.89±21.79)%。在4 591名接尘工人中,检出各期GW S 137例,检出率为2.98%,发病年龄(30.03±5.52)岁,接尘工龄(5.69±2.30)年,工种以切粒工居多(91.97%)。患者呼吸系统症状明显,X射线胸片表现以圆形小阴影q为主。并发肺结核为10.22%,肺气肿33.58%,自发性气胸4.38%。肺通气功能损害43.07%,以混合型为最高(21.90%)。工伤评残为完全丧失劳动能力者占56.93%。结论广东GW S患者发病年轻,接尘工龄短,呼吸系统症状明显,并发症多,致病残程度较重,预后差。宝石加工粉尘对工人健康危害极大,应高度重视做好GW S防治工作。
Objective To find out the dust hazard and gemstone workers silicosis (GW S) incidence in gem processing factories in Guangdong Province. Methods A total of 152 gem processing plants and 4 591 gemstone workers were surveyed for silicotic cross-sectional epidemiology. Results The allowable concentration of short-term exposure to dust in workplace of 152 gem factory was 1.9 mg / m3 (55.58% exceeding the standard) and the average content of free S iO2 was (70.89 ± 21.79)%. Of the 4 591 workers who exposed to dust, 137 cases of GW S were detected in each phase, with a detection rate of 2.98% and an age of onset of 30.03 ± 5.52 years, with a service life of 5.69 ± 2.30 years. (91.97%). Patients with respiratory symptoms, X-ray showed a small circular shadow q-based. Concurrent pulmonary tuberculosis was 10.22%, emphysema 33.58%, spontaneous pneumothorax 4.38%. The lung function impairment was 43.07%, the highest was mixed type (21.90%). Occupational injury evaluation for the total incapacity accounted for 56.93%. Conclusions GW S patients in Guangdong are young and have short lead-time, respiratory symptoms, multiple complications, severe morbidity and disability, and poor prognosis. Gemstone processing dust on the health hazards of workers great, we should attach great importance to doing a good job of GW S prevention and treatment.