INTRODUCTION Zinc deficiency in wetland rice can be overcome or prevented by applying soluble zinc salts, chelating zinc and zinc oxide, and improving the availability of zinc in the soil (eg, oxidizing or acidifying the soil, etc.). After the problem began to be recognized, people cast their soil on the field before planting them, or they mixed a large amount of zinc with soil, for example, 100 kg of ZnSO4 per hectare. In fact, the zinc oxide applied for this purpose, or the zinc oxide suspension applied to the seedling root before transplanting (seedling rooting), can substantially reduce its actual use, ie about 4 -8 kg zinc. At the moment, it appears that cost is not a major barrier to the application of zinc fertilizer. The cost of 4 kg of zinc (oxide) applied by farmers in 1980 in the Philippines was about $ 20, accounting for about 4% of the 3.5 tons of cereal per hectare and only a fraction of the cost of chemical or artificial weeding or major fertilizer.