经营状况 金杯汽车股份有限公司是我国重要的轻型汽车生产基地之一,主要生产轻型客、货车及零部件。2001年上半年共生产汽车33,971辆,其中:轻型客车28,709辆,轻型货车5,262辆;销售汽车38,312辆,比去年同期增长4.1%,其中销售轻型客车32,005辆,销售轻型货车6,304辆,实现销售收人29,527.3万元,利润总额12,635.5万元。上半年公司轻型客车的市场占有率仍居全国首位。
Operation status Jinbei Automobile Co., Ltd. is one of the important light vehicle production bases in China, mainly producing light passenger, goods vehicles and spare parts. In the first half of 2001, a total of 33,971 vehicles were produced, of which 28,709 were light buses and 5,262 were light trucks; 38,312 vehicles were sold, an increase of 4.1% over the same period of last year. Among them, 32,005 were sold for light buses and 6,304 for light trucks were sold, 295.273 million yuan, total profit of 126.355 million yuan. In the first half of the year, the market share of light buses still ranks first in the country.