一九八五年十二月,笔者在美国南加州大学医学教育研究室进修时间,曾对美国医院中各类医务人员的继续教育制度进行了考察,并且有机会同以许文博同志为首的中国电化教育考察组一起,参观了设在洛杉矶的全国医院卫星联播中心(Hospital Satellite Network,以下简称HSN)。在美国,医院中各类医务人员的继续教育虽然早在五十年代就已开始,但是,有组织的大规模发展主要还是1975年以后的事情。据美国继续医学教育联络委员会报告,
In December 1985, the author studied the continuing education system of various types of medical personnel in U.S. hospitals at the time of advanced studies in the Medical Education Research Center of the University of Southern California. He also had the opportunity to work with China led by Comrade Xu Wenbo. The electrification education team visited the National Satellite Satellite Network (HSN) in Los Angeles. In the United States, continuing education for all types of medical personnel in hospitals began as early as the 1950s, but the large-scale development of the organization was mainly after 1975. According to the report of the Liaison Committee for Continuing Medical Education