《旗鼓相当》Grudge Matrch导演:彼得·西格尔主演:西尔维斯特·史泰龙、罗伯特·德尼罗、凯文·哈特、艾伦·阿尔金类型:喜剧、运动出品:华纳上映日期:2013年12月25日(美国)《敢死队》《复仇者联盟》《钢铁之躯2:蝙蝠侠大战超人》说明这是一个超级英雄需要组队出现的电影时代,所以“洛奇”和“杰克·拉奠塔”(《愤怒的公牛》)在《旗鼓相当》中的狭路相逢也就显得顺理成章了。“小鬼”比利·麦格根(罗伯特·德尼罗饰)和“剃刀”亨利·夏普(西尔维斯特·史泰龙饰)是两位退休的拳击手,也是命中注定的死对头。在拳王冠军大战30年后,因为一段拳击游戏视频拍摄中的口角,两人准备再战一场、分出高下。本来两位老人家的拳击赛其实没什么看头,但在社交媒体的狂热推介下却逐渐演变为万众瞩目的宿命对决,于是两人回到退休前的健身备战状态,等着最后一战的到来……
Grudge Matrch Director: Peter Siegel Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Robert De Niro, Kevin Hart, Alan Allgin Genre: Comedy, Sports Production: Warner Release Date: December 25, 2013 (USA) “The Expendables” “The Avengers” “The Iron Man 2: Batman vs Superman” Description This is a movie age in which superheroes need to team up, so “Rocky” and It would be logical that Jack LaDrenta (Angry Bulls) would meet in a tight match. BIGGER Billy McGAGON (Robert DeNiro) and Razor Henri Sharp (Sylvester Stallone) are two retired boxers and are also destined enemy. Thirty years after the title war champion, the two were ready to fight again for the first time in a boxing video game. In fact, the two old people’s boxing match is actually worth nothing, but under the fanatical social media promotion has gradually evolved into a much-anticipated fate showdown, so the two returned to pre-retirement fitness preparedness, waiting for the arrival of the last battle ... ...