Dynamic Wavelength and Bandwidth Allocation Using Adaptive Linear Prediction in WDM/TDM Ethernet Pas

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ching19846
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Hybrid wavelength-division-multiplexing(WDM)/time-division-multiplexing(TDM) ethernet passive optical networks(EPONs) can achieve low per-subscriber cost and scalability to increase the number of subscribers. This paper discusses dynamic wavelength and bandwidth allocation(DWBA) algorithm in hybrid WDM/TDM EPONs.Based on the correlation structure of the variable bit rate(VBR) video traffic,we propose a quality-ofservice (QoS) supported DWBA using adaptive linear traffic prediction.Wavelength and timeslot are allocated dynamically by optical line terminal(OLT) to all optical network units(ONUs) based on the bandwidth requests and the guaranteed service level agreements(SLA) of all ONUs.Mean square error of the predicted average arriving rate of compound video traffic during waiting period is minimized through Wiener-Hopf equation.Simulation results show that the DWBA-adaptive-linear-prediction(DWBA-ALP) algorithm can significantly improve the QoS performances in terms of low delay and high bandwidth utilization. Hybrid wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) / time-division-multiplexing (TDM) ethernet passive optical networks (EPONs) can achieve low per-subscriber cost and scalability to increase the number of subscribers. This paper discusses dynamic wavelength and bandwidth allocation ( DWBA) algorithm in hybrid WDM / TDM EPONs.Based on the correlation structure of the variable bit rate (VBR) video traffic, we propose a quality-of service (QoS) supported DWBA using adaptive linear traffic prediction. Wavelength and timeslot are allocated dynamically by optical line terminal (OLT) to all optical network units (ONUs) based on the bandwidth requests and the guaranteed service level agreements (SLA) of all ONUs.Mean square error of the predicted average arriving rate of compound video traffic during waiting period is minimized through Wiener-Hopf equation. Simulation results show that the DWBA-adaptive-linear-prediction (DWBA-ALP) algorithm can significantly improve the QoS profiles in terms of low delay and h igh bandwidth utilization.
一九八五年九月——一九八八年六月,我们在初三(2)班进行了语文教改试点,试验的专题是“在阅读教学中培养学生学习语文的‘三自’能力。”具体做法如下: 一、准备工作: ①初
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位于青海省互助县境内的北山林区,是一个点多、域大、林丰、景美以及民族特色突出的综合性风景名胜区。本文通过对其风景资源的分析,进行了初步评价。 Beishan Forest Zone, l
兰州大学博物馆坐落在兰大榆中校区,全馆建筑形似展翅高飞之苍鹰。  将校史馆与博物馆合二为一,是兰大博物馆的一大特色。虽然在馆名中看不见“校史”二字,但是作为六大展览之一的“兰州大学校史展”很有分量,在博物馆众展厅中占地面积最大。  博物馆的馆藏丰富,校友的个人捐赠是构成兰州大学博物馆丰富藏品的一个重要因素。  大梦敦煌,报恩母校  在“历史文物展厅”,最先看到的便是一幅精致的壁画,壁画是兰大到敦煌