
来源 :内蒙古林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zoudfeng
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据四月二十六日统计,全区已造林七百多万亩,比去年同期增长两倍多。好多旗县和人民公社已实现了内蒙古党委提出的“一年造林一春完,全年任务翻一番”的伟大号召。造林事业的高速度发展,育苗也必须翻番跃进。然而造林和育苗最基本的东西是种子。没有种子等于纸上谈兵,似乎打仗没有子弹一样。可见种子是决定造林事业能不能持续跃进的物质基础。杨、榆树是我区绿化造林的主要树种,分布广,产量多。全区造林、育苗需用的种子,杨、榆树种要占80%以上。现在正是杨、榆种子成熟的季节,而杨、 According to statistics released on April 26, the whole region has already afforested more than 7 million mu of land, more than tripled from the same period of last year. Many flag counties and people’s communes have already achieved the great call made by Inner Party Committee of Inner Mongolia for “one year’s reforestation completed in one spring and the task for the whole year is to be doubled.” Afforestation of high-speed development, nursery must also double leap forward. However, the most basic thing about afforestation and nursery is seed. No seed is equal to the one on paper, it seems that there is no bullet in the war. Seeds can be seen is the material basis for determining whether the afforestation can continue to leap forward. Yang, elm tree is my main afforestation afforestation species, widely distributed, more output. The region afforestation, nursery need to use seeds, Yang, elm species to account for more than 80%. Now it is Yang, Elm seeds mature season, and Yang,
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营林: 六十年代世界造林面积逐年扩大,人工速生丰产林比重不断增加。为促进林木生长,一些国家建立了种子园,培育良种壮苗,同时采用改良土壤、林地施肥和間伐作业等措施。每
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