人的忍耐总是有限度的,现在,我和埃尔格拉一样无法控制自己想冲向裁判的冲动。 当韩国人开始欢呼的一分钟之后,两个人问了我两个问题有没有比胜利更重要的东西?如果莫伦特斯打在门柱上的那个球进了,西班牙会取胜吗? 尊严比一切都重要!尊严的失败与偷窃的胜利,你会选择娜一个?视自已尊严和荣誉重于生命的大韩民族却用一种近乎于卑鄙的胜利毁掉了他们的声誉,也毁掉了整个亚洲足球的生命。至于“倒霉的”莫伦特斯,他不必自责,那个球就算是进了,“黑黑的”裁判也会找出很多他先犯规的证据来,总之两个字:不算! 不算你的进球又如何,你能不踢了?上诉?随便的啦,你能告到哪儿?国际足联,不是我笑话你,你也不看看我是哪儿派来的,“错判也是比赛的一部分嘛”,我们的章程已经摆在那儿,顶多承认有两个失误而己,那又怎样,下场比赛我的同伴还会照样“失误”几次,你信不信?!
People’s patience is always limited, and now, like El Gera I can not control the impulse they want to rush to the referee. When the Koreans began to cheer for a minute, the two asked me two questions. Is there anything else more important than victory? If Morientes hit the goalpost that goal, Spain will win it? Dignity ratio Everything is important! The dignity of the defeat and the steal of the victory, you will choose a Na? Depending on their dignity and glory of life, the Koreans ruined their reputation with a nearly vile victory, but also destroyed the entire Asian football life. As for the “unlucky” Morientes, he does not have to blame, even if the ball into the “black” referee will find a lot of his first foul evidence, in short, the word: No! Is not it your goal? Can you not kick it? Appeal? Casual, where can you tell? FIFA, I did not joke about you, and you did not see where I was sent. “Wrong Sentence is also part of the game Well, ”our charter has been placed there, at most admitted there are two mistakes, so what, my match will still be the same“ mistake ”a few times, do you believe it?