二十年前的1994年,伴随着国家建设事业的蓬勃发展悉地国际诞生了。短短二十年,从成立之初的几个人的小公司,到目前拥有5 000多人的集团企业,无不反映着悉地国际所走过的光荣奋斗历程,折射出整个建筑设计行业的进步和繁荣。历经二十年的发展,悉地国际已逐步发展为具有国际化视野的大型设计机构,在建筑创作、科技研发、人力资源开发、业务领域拓展、现代企业管理、国际化发展等方面取得了显著业绩,受到社会和行业的广泛关注。二十年来,悉地国际先后完成了国家游泳中心“水立方”、济南奥林匹克体育中心、大梅沙·万科中心、腾讯总部大厦、三亚火车站、上海世博会中国电力馆、上海
Twenty years ago, in 1994, with the vigorous development of the country’s construction industry, the international community was born. In the short span of two decades, from the small number of small companies that formed in the early days to the group enterprises that currently have more than 5,000 people, all reflect the glorious struggle that Siddhartha traveled through and reflected the progress of the entire architectural design industry. prosperity. After 20 years of development, S & T International has gradually developed into a large-scale design agency with an international perspective and has made remarkable achievements in architectural creation, R & D of science and technology, human resources development, business expansion, modern enterprise management and international development. , By the community and industry wide attention. Over the past 20 years, Siddhartha has successively completed the national swimming center, “Water Cube”, Jinan Olympic Sports Center, Dameisha Vanke Center, Tencent Headquarters Building, Sanya Railway Station, Shanghai Electric Power Museum, Shanghai China