1944年春,新四军第一师(兼苏中军区)部队,发动了著名的车桥战役。 当时,苏联红军把德国侵略者驱逐出国境,希特勒彻底崩溃已成定局。在太平洋战场美军增强了对日反攻。日本帝国主义为挽救其太平洋战场的失败,摧毁美军在华南的空军基地,于1944年1月发出打通大陆交通线的作战命令,从后方抽调兵力发动对国民党战场的战略进攻,企图打通平汉、粤汉、湘桂等铁路,建立由中国大陆至东亚各地区日军的交通补给线。在苏中战场,由于日军调走大批老兵,补充一批新兵,战斗力和士气都有所下降。为了弥补兵力不足,日军一方面收缩防区,一方面大规模扩建伪军,仍能相对集中兵力,继续对第四军分区进行“高度清乡”,阴谋对第三军分区实行“扩展清乡”,对第二军分区实施“强化屯垦”。中共苏中军区委员会针对这一形势,根据中共中央和新四军军部的指示,提出了“更顽强的坚持原地斗争和更有效的准备反攻力量”的方针,广泛地开展对敌攻势,打击日伪军“清乡”、“屯垦”计划,缩小沦陷区,扩大解放区,为最后战胜日军创造条件。 淮安、宝应以东涧河沿线地区是日军华中派遣军第六十五师团和第六十四师团驻防的结合部,车桥是这个结合部的边缘据点。车桥又是苏中抗日根据地和苏北抗日根据地联系的枢纽。夺取涧河沿线的车桥地区,既能?
In the spring of 1944, the First Division of the New Fourth Army (and the Soviet Army Area) started the famous Axle Battle. At that time, the Soviet Red Army deported the German invaders out of the country and Hitler’s total collapse was a foregone conclusion. The U.S. military increased its counter-offensive against Japan on the Pacific Battlefield. In order to save its Pacific battlefield from its defeat and destroy the U.S. air force base in southern China, the Japanese imperialists sent a war command in January 1944 to open up the traffic line on the mainland and mobilized troops from the rear to launch a strategic offensive on the battlefield of the Kuomintang in an attempt to open up the Ping Han, Guangdong, Hunan and Guangxi and other railways, the establishment of the Chinese mainland to East Asia by the Japanese military transport supply line. In the battlefield between the Soviet Union and China, the fighting strength and morale of the Japanese army declined due to the transfer of a large number of veterans and a batch of recruits. In order to make up for the shortage of troops, the Japanese military, on the one hand, reduced its zone of defense and on the other hand, it expanded its military forces on a large scale and still relatively concentrated its military forces. It continued to “highly Qingxiang” the Fourth Army Division and conspired to “expand Qingxiang” , The implementation of the Second Army sub-district “to strengthen the settlement.” In response to this situation, the Central Military Commission of the Soviet Union and China in the Central Military Commission proposed to the CPC Central Committee and the instructions of the New Fourth Army that “the more tenacious insistence on fighting in place and the more effective preparation of counter-offensive forces” have been put forward and the campaign against the enemy, The “pseudo-military” “Qingxiang” and “settlement” plans to narrow the enemy-occupied areas, expand the liberated areas and create the conditions for the final victory over the Japanese troops. Huai’an and Baoying areas along the east jianhe River are the joint departments where the sixty-fifth division of the Japanese Central Military Force dispatched and the sixty-fourth division stationed. The bridge is the brink of this joint. Axle is the hub of Soviet-Chinese anti-Japanese base and the Northern Anti-Japanese Base. Jian River along the bridge to win the area, both?