友人打电话说,宝鸡市机井配套中心为解决旱原群众打井难题,造出了小型凿井机,这对一般人来讲,是个不太容易激动的消息。但我的心,却像被钻机上的冲击爪抓住了一样,我要动身,去追寻那隐隐遥遥的钻迹。 连续两年的大旱,山川断流,井库干涸,千里赤地上只有星星点点的绿色在昭示着水与作物的共存。多少年风调雨顺,人们已淡化了对旱灾的警觉。万千农民在大旱中清醒了,盼望着水,盼望着汩汩的井流。对水的渴盼终于演化出对水利的渴盼,对钻井机具的渴盼。旱区需要机井,更需要钻机!宝鸡市领导部门下了研制命令,这不正是市上一大批水利技术人员的良久心愿么?于是,在宝平路边的大院里,
Friends called to say, supporting center in Baoji City, wells to solve the problem of drought in the drilled people to create a small drilling machine, which for the average person, is not easy to be excited news. But my heart, like the claw on the rig caught the same, I want to leave, to pursue that faint distant diamond. For two consecutive years of drought, mountains and rivers cut off, wells dry up, thousands of miles of red only a little bit of green in clear water and crop coexistence. The number of years of good weather, people have played down the alert of the drought. Thousands of peasants have awakened in the drought, looking forward to the water and looking forward to the sloppy wells. The thirst for water finally evolved the thirst for water conservancy, the thirst for drilling equipment. Arid areas need wells, but also need rig! Baoji City, under the leadership of the development department ordered this is not the city a large number of water conservancy technical staff a long time wish it? So, in Bao Ping Road side of the compound,