
来源 :长江蔬菜 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hwniuniu
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近年来生产超时令反季节蔬菜为主的日光温室秋冬茬番茄栽培面积逐年增加 ,经济效益十分显著。然而 ,日光温室番茄秋茬栽培由于温湿度变化大 ,品种不配套 ,病虫害发生频繁 ,栽培难度较大 ,番茄产量低且不稳 ,影响了设施栽培效益的发挥。为此我们实施了国家科技部工厂化高效农业 In recent years, the production of overtime seasonal vegetables based greenhouse autumn and winter stubble tomato cultivation area increased year by year, the economic efficiency is very significant. However, cultivation of autumn stubble in solar greenhouse due to temperature and humidity changes, the species does not complete, frequent occurrence of pests and diseases, cultivation is more difficult, low and unstable tomato yield, affecting the efficiency of facilities cultivation. To this end, we have implemented the Ministry of Science and Technology factory-efficient agriculture
我市卫生防疫站于1979年开始进行家蝇抗药性监测、并根据监测结果指导科学灭蝇,取得了明显的社会效益和经济效益。 The epidemic prevention station of our city started t