对广东省微生物肥料发展现状及质量情况的分析表明 ,广东省近年微生物肥料发展很快 ,每年约有 2~ 3万t的生产、销售量 ,但是由于引进外来菌种和科研投入较少 ,微生物肥料生产呈现出质量不稳定和菌种不适应当地条件等问题 ,所以加强基础科研工作和规范质量控制及销售管理 ,并使农民掌握正确的使用技术是发展广东省微生物肥料的重要工作措施
The status of microbial fertilizer in Guangdong Province and the analysis of the quality of the situation shows that in recent years, Guangdong Province, the rapid development of microbial fertilizer, annual production of about 2 to 30,000 t production and sales, but due to the introduction of foreign species and less scientific research, micro-organisms Fertilizer production shows instability and strain does not adapt to local conditions and other issues, so to strengthen basic scientific research and standardize quality control and sales management, and enable farmers to master the correct use of technology is the development of microbial fertilizer in Guangdong Province is an important measure of work