又一个高官程维高落马了。把这个道貌岸然、不可一世的省委书记拉下马的竟是一名小小的科级干部郭光允!正是他八年来义无反顾地举报,坚持不懈地揭发,最终使程维高案件初露端倪。然而,郭光允也为此付出了令人惊骇的代价:曾被开除党籍,被强行劳教两年,两次死里逃生,20多位亲人因此连遭厄运…… 郭光允的精神令人肃然起敬,郭光允的遭遇也让我们陷入沉思:监督程维高这样的人为什么这么难?程维高利用职权进行打击报复,难道仅仅是违纪吗?
Another high official high profile plunged. It is his solemn petitioner Guo Guangyun, who took this pious and arrogant party secretary to pull off his horse. It is he who reported without hesitation during the past eight years and unswervingly exposed his case culminating in Cheng Weigao’s case. However, Guo Guangyun paid a horrifying price for this: he had been expelled from the party, forced to work in forced labor camp for two years, escaped twice and therefore more than 20 relatives had been felled. The spirit of Guo Guangyun was awe-inspiring, Guo Guangyun encounter let us into deep thought: supervise people such as Cheng Weigao why so difficult? Cheng Wei high use of authority to fight retaliation, is it just discipline?