近几年以来,每当秋季来临,天空中便经常飘着成团成团的“白色粉尘”,许多人以为是“工业污染”,其实这是一种被称作是“烟粉虱”的害虫所致。 烟粉虱属同翅目、粉虱科,个体较小,体长仅1毫米左右,黄白色,成虫有翅能飞,大发生时,常常变成白色烟雾在空中飘来荡去,乱飞乱撞。烟粉虱寄主范围较广,可危害蔬菜、花卉、农作物等24科70余种植物,除直接利吸植物汁液,导致植株生长衰弱外,还可分泌一些黏性物质(似糖浆状),诱发煤污病,使得叶片表面覆盖一层黑色霉层,影响光合作用,并传播多种病毒病。
In recent years, whenever autumn comes, “white dust” often forms in groups in the sky. Many people think that it is “industrial pollution.” In fact, this is what is called “whitefly” Pests caused. Bemisia tabaci homoptera, whitefly, smaller individuals, body length of only about 1 mm, yellow-white, adult winged fly, large occurs, it often turns into white smoke floating in the air, chaos fly Collision. Bemisia tabaci hosted a wider range of host may be harmful to vegetables, flowers, crops and other plants more than 70 species of plants, in addition to directly benefit from plant juice, leading to plant growth and weakness, but also the secretion of some viscous material (like syrup), induced Coal pollution, making the leaf surface covered with a layer of black mold, affecting photosynthesis, and spread a variety of viral diseases.