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重振南方丝绸之路 辐射内外两圈 关于这“一点”的设想,我还有另一层意思,那就是想把攀西地区看成今后开发大西南能够发生起动作用的经济心脏。接着我要说明的就是设想中的“一线”。这“一线”指的是以攀西开发区为中枢的一条我国大西南通往缅甸、印度、孟加拉各国的交通动脉,也就是指历史上的“南方丝绸之路”。 据历史学家的意见,这条南方丝绸之路是我国通往亚欧各国最早的国际通道,形成的时间可以远溯至秦汉之前(即公元前4世纪之前)。这条路线北起长安、越秦岭,到成都,然后大体上沿今天的成昆铁路,经西昌、攀枝花,入云南境内,穿过丽江和大理之间的山路,到保山、腾冲,从德宏出国境,入缅甸、转印度和孟加拉国。古时称成都到大理这一段为灵关道;称大理到德宏出境这一段为永昌道。显然,在海运开 To revitalize the Silk Road in southern China and radiate the inner circle and the outer ring For another idea of ​​this “one o’clock”, I would still like to see the Panxi region as the economic heart for the future development of the Greater Southwest to take a starting role. Then what I want to explain is the “first line” in my imagination. This “front-line” refers to the transportation artery that takes the Panxi Development Zone as the center and the southwest China’s gateway to Myanmar, India and Bangladesh, that is, the “southern Silk Road” in history. According to historians, this southern Silk Road is the earliest international gateway to Asia and Europe for our country. The formation of the Silk Road dates back to the Qin dynasty (before the 4th century BC). This route starts from Chang’an in the north and extends to the Qinling Mountains in Chengdu. Then, along the Chengdu-Kunming Railway today, it passes Xichang and Panzhihua into the territory of Yunnan Province and passes through the mountain roads between Lijiang and Dali to Baoshan and Tengchong. Outbound, into Burma, India and Bangladesh. In ancient times, this section of Chengdu to Dali called Lingtuan Road; this section of Dali Dehong departed from Yongchang Road. Obviously, the sea is open
Fu Chengyi, a famous geophysicist and first-grade research professor, willspend his eightieth birthday next year.We wish hin good heallth and a longlife.Prof.F
sideloudspeaker侧面扬声器sidesilveredlamp 侧面镀银灯sidestage侧台 ;副台sidestageequipment侧台设备 ;侧台装置sidestagewagon侧车台sidetitle侧边字幕 ;幻灯字幕sideview侧视 sideloudspeaker side speakers sideilveredlamp side silver sidestage sidestage sid
教学方法的研究与改革需要把握正确的方向。本文运用邓小平同志“教育要面向现代化 ,面向世界 ,面向未来”的理论观点结合当今社会发展的趋势和高等师范外语教育教学的实际 ,
小学美术教育的目的,是对学生进行“美”的教育和“术”的教育。对学生进行全面的美术教育,既使其掌握基本知识,能认识和欣赏美,又掌握基本的技能技巧,能够表现 The purpose
<正> 发达资本主义国家的经济具有某些共同之处,如:教育普及,居民文化教育水平较高;现代科学技术水平高;劳动生产率和社会生产力水平高;人民的物质生活状况有了很大改善;政府采取各种政策和社会福利措施来缓解社会政治矛盾。因而这些国家的社会政治局势长期相对比较稳定。发达资本主义国家都是以资本主义生产资料私有制为根本经济制度的国家,实行的都是市场经济。从这一点上来看,它们的性质是相同的。但是,由于每个国家的历史文化传统不同,自然资源条件有差别,国内的