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一八四0年,英国出动了旨在把中国变成殖民地的鸦片战争.今天,当我们重新回顾这场把中国开始沦为半殖民地、半封建社会深渊的罪恶战争时,会很自然地想到中华民族杰出的爱国者林则徐.他在外国资本主义开始威胁中华民族生存的紧急关头挺身而出,义不容辞地领导了轰轰烈烈地禁烟斗争.在中国近代史上书写下光辉的篇章.鸦片走私是外国资本主义列强为打开中国市场而采用的一种罪恶贸易手段,其中以英国最猖獗.林则徐之前,许多有识之士已经认识到鸦片的危害,要求清政府严禁.清朝最高统治者也感到鸦片后患无穷,从一七二九年开始,清政府先后颁发了十余道禁烟令.然而实施结果很不理想,尽管禁烟令一道比一道严厉,但烟患却一日重甚一日.到了鸦片战争前夕,烟患已经从沿海扩至内陆,吸食者由官绅商弁染及民间普通百姓,年耗烟土高达四万多箱,约五百万斤.仅英国四十年间就向中国走私鸦片四十万箱,掠夺中国白银价值近四亿银元,相当于清政府好几年的财政总收入.鸦片泛滥直接导致中国白银大量外流,严重损害了中国人民身心健康,引起社会经济的混乱.鸦片为何屡禁不止?主要原因在于清政府的腐败.当时的清政府上自高官显宦,下至胥史兵弃,几乎都是贪图贿赂之辈.他们相互勾结,结成 When the United Kingdom dispatched the Opium War, which aimed at turning China into a colony, in 1840, when we review our sinful war that began to turn China into an abyss of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, it is quite natural for us to think of China An outstanding national patriot, Lin Zexu, who stepped forward at the critical juncture that foreign capitalism began to threaten the survival of the Chinese nation, led the vigorous campaign against smoking, and wrote a glorious chapter in the modern history of China. Opium smuggling is the power of foreign capitalists Before Lin Zexu, the most rampant in the United Kingdom, adopted a criminal trade approach to open up the Chinese market, many people of insight recognized the dangers of opium and demanded that the Qing government strictly prohibit the supreme rulers of the Qing Dynasty. The Qing government issued more than a dozen or so anti-smoking ordinances in 1729. However, the results were unsatisfactory and the smoke was even worse day by day despite the ban on smoking. On the eve of the Opium War, the smoke Suffering from the coast has been extended to inland inhabitants, businessmen and business people from gentry dyeing and ordinary people, the annual consumption of up to more than 40,000 boxes of tobacco, about 500 Only the United Kingdom smuggled 400,000 boxes of opium into China in 40 years and plundered nearly 400 million silver dollars worth of Chinese silver, which is equivalent to the total revenue of the Qing government for several years. The opium flooding directly led to a massive outflow of Chinese silver and seriously damaged the physical and mental health of the Chinese people Health, causing social and economic chaos. Why opium despite repeated prohibitions? The main reason is the Qing government corruption. At that time the Qing government from high officials Xian Huan, down to Xu Shi Shi Bing, almost all covet the bribe generation.
<正>0引言乳腺癌是妇女最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,目前发病率居女性恶性肿瘤首位。为总结超声诊断乳腺癌的经验,我们对近5年我院27例乳腺癌声像图特征报告如下。1资料与方法 1.1