本化石是笔者与我院78级同学,于1980年在陕西省西乡县三郎公社杨家沟采集的。在此以前我校部分教师,曾在此层化石层位中采得有:Yiliangella SP、(小宜良虫未定种)和Yiliangellina SP、(似小宜良虫未定种)。本次采得的化石虽属巨尾虫科(Gigantoqygidae Harrington,1959)但与上列两属有着明显的差异。特别是头鞍、肋刺和尾刺。化石产出的层位相当于下寒武统郭家坝组中部,其岩性为录黄色钙质粉砂质页
The fossil is the author and my school 78 classmates, in 1980 in Shaanxi Xixiang County Sabang commune Yangjiagou collection. Prior to this, some teachers in our school had taken Yiliiangella SP, Yiliangellina SP and Yiliangella SP in the fossil beds of this layer. Although the fossil collected is Gigantoqygidae Harrington (1959), there are obvious differences from the above two genera. Especially the head saddle, ribs and tail thorns. The level of fossil output is equivalent to that of the Lower Cambrian Guojiaba Formation and its lithology is yellow-silty siliceous sheet