
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szlsh88
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民族旅游的发展,依托于民族文化旅游资源的开发,而在民族文化资源开发中必须贯彻“提升”与“保护”并举的方针。在此,基于民族旅游发展的视角,首先剖析了民族文化的多元性,揭示了民族文化的传统性、神秘性、原生性和独特性的特征;其次,阐述了民族文化提升的途径及其现实意义,揭示了市场化运作、文化资源开发和文化旅游与民族文化原真性的矛盾冲突,以及解决的手段与方法;最后,论述了民族文化在传承中的保护,揭示了文艺创作、节目表演、旅游策划与文化保护之间的关系。 The development of ethnic tourism relies on the development of ethnic cultural tourism resources, and the principle of “promoting” and “protecting” both must be implemented in the development of national cultural resources. Based on the perspective of ethnic tourism development, this paper first analyzes the diversity of ethnic cultures and reveals the characteristics of traditional culture, mystery, originality and uniqueness of national culture. Secondly, it elaborates the ways of national culture promotion and its reality Significance and reveals the contradictions and conflicts between the market-oriented operation, the development of cultural resources and cultural tourism and the authenticity of national culture, as well as the means and methods of settlement; Finally, the article discusses the protection of national culture in the heritage, reveals the artistic creation, program performance, Relationship between tourism planning and cultural protection.