在1999年的一次感恩节晚宴上,耐克创新部门主管7岁的儿子把雪梨外面的水果网套除掉后,套在自己的赤足外面。顽童的这个举动立即激发了耐克设计团队的想象,继而孕育了Air Rejuven8的第一个原型:他们采用与水果网套完全相同的网状结构,然后用热粘接剂粘到鞋楦上。设计师之所以对此结构感兴趣,是因为此种材料与足部构造之间完美协调,而且外观的设计感很强。但对于当时的传统制鞋业而言,制造Air Rejuven8所需的技术太过复杂。此款运动鞋的各类原型设计图纸在抽屉里被尘封了将近5年,它逐渐被人冷落,但却从未被人遗忘。到了2008年,随着制作工艺的成熟,Air Rejuven8终于上市了。让我们一起来看一下这款凝集了创制人员9年心血的鞋子,品味灵感带来的创新。
At a Thanksgiving dinner in 1999, the 7-year-old son of the Nike Innovation Division removed the fruit netting from Sydney and set it outside his bare feet. This act of urchin immediately aroused the imagination of the Nike design team, and then gave birth to the first prototype of Air Rejuven8: they use the same mesh structure as the fruit net cover, and then use the hot adhesive to stick to the last. Designers are interested in this structure because of the perfect coordination between the material and the foot structure, and the appearance of a very strong sense of design. But for the then traditional shoe industry, the technology required to make Air Rejuven8 was too complicated. This type of sports shoes prototype drawings in the drawer was dusty for nearly 5 years, it has gradually been neglected, but it has never been forgotten. By 2008, Air Rejuven8 was finally released as the manufacturing process matured. Let us take a look at this collection of creative personnel 9 years of hard work shoes, inspired by the taste of innovation.