Although the Soviet Union’s Far East coastline is long, there are not many coastal cities here, about 50, while there are only four mega-cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Magadan and Kamchatka-Pietro Papalovsk. There are many reasons for this situation. The most important ones are: late development of economy in the Far East and its coastal areas: a limited number of suitable bays on the Pacific coast; short duration of navigation in most offshore seas; lack of transportation routes (Siberian Railway and Baikal- (Except Amur Railway) to ensure reliable contact between coastal settlements and the development zone in the Mainland. The mountainous line parallel to the coastline has increased the difficulty of laying the appropriate harbors for the Gulf Coast from the old development zone to the coast. The resumed and multi-year capital construction investment plan Has been implemented,