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随着我国农村城镇化建设的全面展开,农民居住集中区的建设等,农村“小产权房”的建筑施工安全监管出现真空,监管缺位失控现象严重,出现一些事故隐患。江苏省某镇一栋连体多层建筑在施工过程中,与中石化系统的一处加油站防火间距不足,中石化发现后向镇安监办报告了这一情况。镇安监办吃不准情况,特别邀请专家组到现 With the full-scale development of urbanization in rural areas in China and the construction of peasant residential areas, there is a vacuum in the supervision of construction safety in rural areas. There is a serious accidental absence of supervision and control, and some potential accidents appear. A town in Jiangsu Province, a Siamese multi-storey building in the construction process, and Sinopec system at a gas station fire spacing is not enough, Sinopec later reported to the town security monitoring office. Town safety supervision do not eat the situation, in particular, invited the expert group to the present
朱少连,1887年3月20日出生于湖南省衡阳县竹花乡(今曲兰乡湘西村)一个贫苦农民家庭,1904年进入衡阳城里一所中学读书,随后考上了湖北铁路学校。1912年,他在铁路学校结业,被分配到株萍铁路实习,之后当上了火车司机,成为我国早期有文化的铁路工人之一。      面见毛泽东和李立三  受命组织工人俱乐部    1921年,朱少连被提升为株萍铁路管理局行车部总司机,他的妻子黄琼英带着孩子从衡阳老家