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解放战争时期是中国历史发生巨大转变的关键时期,宋庆龄的动向备受关注。1946年7月22日,她发表声明,反对蒋介石发动内战及美国干涉中国内政,呼吁成立联合政府,实行民主制度与土地改革,强调唯有正确实施三民主义才可解决中国问题。随着解放战争的迅速推进,宋庆龄继续从事救济事业,拒绝参加国民党政府的任何工作,拒绝为国民党政府斡旋“和谈”。新中国成立前夕,由于对中共政策不甚理解、对出席新政协会议的身份心存疑虑等,宋庆龄对中国共产党邀请她北上出席新政协会议一度犹豫,但最终决定北上。宋庆龄北上的意义重大,体现了孙中山的新三民主义与中国共产党的新民主主义两条道路的汇合,揭示了中国共产党领导地位的确立是中国历史发展的必然规律。 The period of the Liberation War was a crucial period for a tremendous change in Chinese history, and Soong Ching Ling’s movement attracted much attention. On July 22, 1946, she issued a statement opposing Chiang Kai-shek from launching a civil war and U.S. intervention in China’s internal affairs. She called for the establishment of a coalition government and the implementation of the democratic system and land reform, stressing that only by correctly implementing the Three Principles of the People’s Republic can China solve the problem. With the rapid progress of the war of liberation, Soong Ching Ling continued to work in the relief industry, refused to attend any work of the Kuomintang government, and refused to offer his good offices to the Kuomintang government. On the eve of the founding of new China, Soong Ching Ling was hesitant about the invitation of the Communist Party of China to attend the CPPCC’s meeting northward, but eventually decided to go northward due to misunderstandings about the CCP policy and misgivings about the identity of the CPPCC’s attendance. Soong Chingling’s great significance to the north brought forth the convergence of Sun Yat-sen’s Three Principles of the People and the new democracy of the Chinese Communist Party and revealed that the establishment of the leadership position of the Communist Party of China is the inevitable law of the historical development of China.
吴凤花、陈飞表演的《梁祝楼台会》。 Wu Fenghua and Chen Fei in Butterfly Lovers  “碧草青青花盛开,彩蝶双双久徘徊……”    不久前的一个晚上,越剧明星版《梁山伯与祝英台》在位于拉萨的西藏人民大会堂上演,自治区领导和千余名观众一同观看了演出。这是百年越剧首次走进雪域高原,也是明星版《梁祝》3年来全国巡演的最后一站。  这次巡演,剧组走遍国内80多个城市
回龙潭 Dragon Pool  一    近几年,浙江临海的江南大峡谷声名鹊起,播扬遐迩。一个气候宜人的周末,我们踏上了探访这秀山丽水的神奇之旅。  江南大峡谷位于全国环境优美乡镇——临海市尤溪镇境内,全长约35公里,呈阶梯式上升。峡谷内有美丽幽静的情人谷、惟妙惟肖的鲫鱼岛、深邃险峻的漏斗峡、深不可测的七折潭、峭壁如削的天门岭、神秘幽雅的法海寺、碧波荡漾的竹海、涛声阵阵的松林、古朴原始的村落……