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《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》指出:教育体制改革的根本目的是提高民族素质,多出人材,出好人才。简言之,教育的目的就是育人。教育的育人目的是通过德、智、体、美、劳几个不同的教育形态来实现的。这是一项育人的系统工程,各个子系统在以自己特定的文化形态施教于教育对象时均应以育人为目的。所以学校体育的根本目的应该与教育的目的相一致。日本体育大学阿部忍教授认为:“体育的目的……从根本上说,必须与教育的目的相一致。”日本筑波大学片冈晓夫教授说:“不论是什么学科,也不论是什么样的学术领域,当它用于教育的时候都是以培养人为目标的。”因此,他认为“教育的目标也是体育的目标。”在我国,对学校体育的目的存在许多不同的见解。比较普遍和突出的观点是“增强体质”,认为这就是育人。这里就产生一个问题:什么是育人?育人的标准是什么?不同的阶级,不同的社会和不同的时代都有不同的育人标准。从广义上说,任何形态的教育, The Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Reforming the Education System states: The fundamental purpose of education system reform is to improve the national quality, make more personnel and provide better personnel. In short, the purpose of education is to educate people. The purpose of education is to educate people through moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, labor and several different forms of education to achieve. This is a systematic project of educating people. Each subsystem should aim at educating people when teaching in their specific cultural forms. Therefore, the fundamental purpose of school physical education should be consistent with the purpose of education. Nihon Sports University Professor Abe Nin believes that “the purpose of sports ... must be fundamentally consistent with the purpose of education.” Professor Katsuyoshi Kataoka, University of Tsukuba, Japan: “No matter what the subject, no matter what kind of The academic field, when it is used for education, aims to nurture people. ”Therefore, he believes that“ the goal of education is also the goal of sports. ”In our country, there are many different opinions on the purpose of school sports. The more common and prominent point is “to enhance physical fitness,” that this is educating people. Here is a question: What is the education? What is the standard of education? Different classes, different societies and different times have different standards of education. Broadly speaking, any form of education,