Twisted mode is a common magnetohydrodynamic instability in tokamak plasma. The safety factor (q) and the specific pressure (β) have an important and even decisive influence on the generation, development and stabilization of twisted modes. In this paper, from the experimental and simulation point of view, based on HL-2A device experiments typical squall dive filter discharge profile, the safety factor q and the polar ratio of pressure Lu. The influence of internal torsional modulus and external torsional modulus on the torsional instability under different parameters are analyzed. The results show that when the safety factor on the magnetic axis q_0 <1, the internal twist mode may not be stable. When q_0> 1, the internal twist mode is stable. Polar ratio and pressure Lu. Both internal and external torsional modes have a destabilizing effect, and the peaked plasma current profile (or safety factor profile) has a stabilizing effect on the warp modes. Concerning the distortion mode stabilization measures, the safety factor profile and the plasma specific pressure must be taken into account in order to facilitate the high performance discharge of the tokamak.