目的了解一起中学急性出血性结膜炎暴发的流行特征,为学校预防、控制急性出血性结膜炎暴发提供依据。方法由县CDC和镇卫生院流调人员按照卫生部《急性出血性结膜炎个案调查表》对所有眼红、眼刺疼、畏光、流泪和眼分泌物的患者开展病例调查,采用描述流行病学方法进行分析。结果本次暴发发生在秋季,病例历时14 d,共发生46例,罹患率为3.61%。病例集中在初一(6、7)班和初二(5)班,占病例总数的45.65%。年龄在12~38岁,男性发病36例,女性发病10例,男女性别比为3.6∶1,住校生明显高于走读生。结论学校一旦发生急性出血性结膜炎病例,应及时报告,并对患者进行隔离治疗,开展有效的健康教育是预防和控制急性出血性结膜炎的重要措施。
Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis outbreak in secondary schools and provide a basis for school prevention and control of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis outbreak. Methods The CDC and township hospital flow control personnel carried out the case investigation in accordance with the Ministry of Public Health “Acute Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis Case Survey” for all patients with reddish eyes, stinging, photophobia, tearing and eye secretions, Learn method to analyze. Results The outbreak took place in autumn, the case lasted for 14 days, a total of 46 cases occurred, the attack rate was 3.61%. Cases concentrated in the first (6,7) classes and two (5) classes, accounting for 45.65% of the total number of cases. Aged 12 to 38 years old, 36 cases of male onset, 10 cases of female incidence, male to female ratio was 3.6: 1, resident school was significantly higher than the students. Conclusion In the case of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis in school, it should be promptly reported and the patients should be treated separately. Effective health education is an important measure to prevent and control acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis.