Merging Traditional Dwelling Form into Modern Neighborhood—— A Holiday Villa District's Plannin

来源 :Journal of Landscape Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songyong
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Taking a holiday villa district for example, this paper explored the ways of merging traditional dwelling form into modern neighborhood, in the planning and design of this villa district, external space designs of traditional villages were borrowed to stress the construction of traditional spaces, and the layout of road traffi c. It was elaborated that in the design of Chinese residential buildings, not only should Chinese style be applied in the facade design of dwellings, but also traditional dwelling forms should be merged with modern life, so the essence of traditional resident culture can be demonstrated in modern residential areas. Taking a holiday villa district for example, this paper explored the ways of merging traditional dwelling form into modern neighborhood, in the planning and design of this villa district, external space designs of traditional villages were borrowed to stress the construction of traditional spaces, and the layout of road traffi c. It was elaborated that in the design of Chinese residential buildings, not only should Chinese style be applied in the facade design of dwellings, but also traditional dwelling forms should be merged with modern life, so the essence of traditional resident culture can be demonstrated in modern residential areas.
虽是寒冬腊月,但一股改革的暖流,陪伴着我们步入东北师大附中的校园,学校负责人高兴地告诉我们: ——教育改革两年多来,全校学生在全国、省、市各级各类竞赛中获奖者多达二
嵩县黄金医院于2007年4月收治的急性一氧化碳(CO)中毒患者8例,均因矿井下打眼放炮产生炮烟中的一氧化碳(CO)所致,经治疗均痊愈出院。现报道如下。 1 临床资料1.1 8例患者均