
来源 :人民调解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cqccc01
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人民调解员的心理素质,是指他们在调解活动中的心理状态和心理特征,它包括人民调解员的情感、气质、品格等。人民调解员的心理素质如何,对调解的成效关系极大。作为一名合格的人民调解员,应具备以下几个方面的良好心理素质:1.任劳任怨,满腔热情民间纠纷的发生既不受时间的限制,也不受地点的限制。有的发生在田间地头,有的发生在当事人家里,有的发生在白天,有的发生在夜晚,很多婚姻家庭纠纷容易在节假日爆发,生产经营性纠纷多发生在大忙时节。人民调解员的天职是调解民间纠纷,哪里有纠纷就得往哪里奔,无论何时有纠纷,都要及时去调解。因此,人民调解员常常是不分白天黑夜地奔波,节假日不过,手里活不干,也要去解决群众的矛盾。这就需要人民调解员不怕苦,不怕累,不计个人得失。民间纠纷发生后,双方当事人争过来争过去,往往总是认为自己是对的,对方是错的,总希望人民调解员为自己扶理,支持自己。然而谁是谁非又是客观存在的,人民调解员必须依法依理来公断是非,支持、安慰和劝导对的一方,批评教育错的一方。这样就难免得罪人,落埋怨,甚至遇上不讲理的当事人,还要挨骂受气。因此,为了依法正确地解决纠纷,人民调解员必须有宽阔的胸怀,不计较个人名利和恩怨。 The psychological qualities of people mediators refer to their psychological state and psychological characteristics in mediation activities. They include the emotion, temperament and character of people mediators. The psychological quality of people mediators, the effectiveness of mediation has a great relationship. As a qualified people mediator, should have the following good psychological qualities: 1. Hard working, full of enthusiasm Civil disputes occur neither time nor place restrictions. Some occurred in the fields, some in the parties, some in the daytime, some in the night, and many marriage and family disputes easily broke out during the holidays. Production and operation disputes occurred in the busy season. The duty of the people's mediators is to mediate civil disputes. Wherever disputes arise, they must go wherever they go. Whenever there are any disputes, they must mediate promptly. Therefore, the people mediators often run around day and night, but holidays do not live in the hands, but also to solve the contradictions among the masses. This requires people mediators are not afraid of suffering, not tired, regardless of personal gains and losses. After the civil disputes occur, both parties contend for contention and often think they are right and the other is wrong. They always hope that the people mediators will help and support themselves. However, who is the non-existence and the objective existence? People's mediators must, according to law, arbitrariness, support, comfort and persuasion, and criticize the wrong education party. This inevitably guilty of sin, complain, even encounter unreasonable parties, but also scolded angry. Therefore, in order to correctly resolve the disputes in accordance with the law, people's mediators must have a broad mind, regardless of personal fame and grudges.
净水器的净水工艺应根据各地区的水质特点不同去设计,对含量较高的有害物质去除,同时兼顾微量元素的保留,同时考虑对引起地方病的必需元素进行添加。 Water purification wa