
来源 :中共福建省委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sally20095
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建设平潭综合实验区是党中央和国务院的重大决策,其目标是探索“五个共同”合作模式,建设“两岸人民合作建设、先行先试、科学发展的共同家园”。文章按照科学发展、先行先试的要求,立足平潭区位优势、两岸合作现状和产业发展趋势,阐述了信息技术的先进性,分析了台湾优势产业及两岸合作基础,提出要优先选择信息技术产业作为两岸产业合作重点,促进平潭跃升为两岸交流合作先行先试的综合枢纽的设想。通过分析现实中需要破解的包括政策创新、产业定位、发展环境等问题,提出在平潭构建两岸信息技术产业合作先行先试区的若干对策思路。 The construction of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone is a major policy decision made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. Its goal is to explore the “five common” model of cooperation and to build “a common home for people of the two sides of the Strait to work together, pioneer and pilot the development of science.” According to the requirements of scientific development and pilot practice, based on the advantages of Pingtan, the status quo of cross-Strait cooperation and the development trend of the industry, the article elaborates the advanced nature of information technology, analyzes the basis of Taiwan’s advantageous industries and cross-Strait cooperation, and proposes to give priority to the information technology industry As the focus of cross-Strait industrial cooperation, promote the idea that Pingtan will jump to a comprehensive hub for the first trial of cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation. By analyzing the problems that need to be solved in the real world, including policy innovation, industrial orientation and development environment, some countermeasures are proposed to establish the pilot area for information technology industry cooperation between both sides of the Strait.
Objective: To evaluate the radiological features in the cases with geriatric pulmonary tuberculosis(GPTB). Methods: One hundred and two elderly patients with tu
重庆市江北区观音桥街道地处主城核心区,是展示城市文明形象的重要窗口。在建设城市“首善之街”过程中,观音桥街道党工委始终把培育和践行社会主义核心价值观摆在重要位置,凝聚崇德向善的正能量,着力构筑道德文明高地。  开展主题活动,引领“崇德”新风尚。街道党工委积极开展以“崇德向善领风尚 服务群众当先锋”为主题的道德实践活动,引导公众广泛参与,提升市民文明素质。推出“邻里守望 行善立德”志愿行动,通过综合