Study on the Extraction Process of Alkaloids from HERBA LOBELIAE CHINENSIS with Compound Enzymes und

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pboss
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[Objective] To study the optimal technical conditions of extracting alkaloids from HERBA LOBELIAE CHINENSIS with complex enzymes under ultrasonic wave. [Method] With ethanol as the solvent, single factor experiment and orthogonal test method were employed to test the effects of five factors on extraction of alkaloids, including cellulase dose, pectinase dose, extraction time, pH value, and ethanol concentration. [Result] The optimal extraction procedure was as followed: cellulase 24 mg, pectinase 45 mg, extraction time 30 min, enzymatic pH 5.4, and ethanol concentration 70%. [Conclusion] High in extraction rate and good in stability, the method favored the determination of alkaloids from HERBA LOBELIAE CHINENSIS. [Objective] To study the optimal technical conditions of extracting alkaloids from HERBA LOBELIAE CHINENSIS with complex enzymes under ultrasonic wave. [Method] With ethanol as the solvent, single factor experiment and orthogonal test method were employed to test the effects of five factors on extraction of alkaloids, including cellulase dose, pectinase dose, extraction time, pH value, and ethanol concentration. [Result] The optimal extraction procedure was followed: cellulase 24 mg, pectinase 45 mg, extraction time 30 min, enzymatic pH 5.4, and ethanol concentration 70%. [Conclusion] High in extraction rate and good in stability, the method favored the determination of alkaloids from HERBA LOBELIAE CHINENSIS.
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[Objective] This study aimed to select stains for transforming podophyllotoxin,to isolate the transformation product and to identify the structure.[Method] Stru
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