新疆各族人民要加强团结、维护稳定 7月12日,全国政协副主席阿不来提·阿不都热西提在新疆维吾尔自治区政协机关看望驻疆全国政协委员和自治区政协机关干部,并发表重要讲话。阿不来提·阿不都热西提指出,乌鲁木齐“7·5”打砸抢烧严重暴力犯罪事件是以热比娅为首的境内外“三股势力”有预谋,煽动、组织的,其目的就是挑起事端,制造民族隔阂和仇恨,破坏民族团结和社会稳定,最终目的就是要分裂祖国。这起事件不是民
On July 12, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Ahmedabad Abdul Wesidhi met with CPPCC National Committee members in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and officials of the autonomous region’s CPPCC National Committee and promulgated Important speech Abdatee Abdullahuiti pointed out that the criminal case of vandalism and looting and burning of serious violent crimes in Urumqi is based on the principle of premeditation, incitement and organization by Rebiya at home and abroad. Its purpose is to stir up trouble, create ethnic barriers and hatred, and undermine national unity and social stability. The ultimate goal is to split the motherland. This incident is not a people