UMPC The Ultra-Mobile PC的缩写.今年 CeBit之后.UMPC迅速蹿红.当下最炙手可热的数码名词,非它莫属。 OLPC One Laptop per Child的缩写.代表着一个看似不可实现的公益计划.让每一个穷孩子都用上笔记本电脑是这个计划要实现的目标.但它却遭受着冷遇。富电脑UMPC和穷电脑OLPC很相似.它们都很小巧便携,都会有互联网接入功能。不同的是.富电脑现在很贵.穷电脑现在还没有实实在在的产品。也许有一天.我们期望着有这么一天.富电脑会变得很便宜, UMPC和OLPC合二为一.富人与穷人的孩子都一样可以在互联网上冲浪。
UMPC Abbreviation for The Ultra-Mobile PC. After CeBit this year. UMPC red quickly. Today’s hottest digital term, non-it must. OLPC One Laptop per Child acronym. Represents a seemingly unrealized public benefit program. Getting every poor kid to have a laptop is the goal of this program. But it suffered a cold reception. Rich computer UMPC and poor computer OLPC are very similar. They are small and portable, there will be Internet access. the difference is. Rich computers are expensive now. Poor computers now have no real product. maybe one day. We look forward to such a day. Rich computers can get very cheap, UMPC and OLPC combined. The rich and poor children are equally surfing on the Internet.